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Yoga & Fitness

In Healthy & Happy, Yoga & Fitness on
September 26, 2019

Everything you need to revamp your fitness routine this fall

Everything you need to revamp your fitness routine this Fall - Fitness Essentials.
This post is sponsored by Babbleboxx

Ahhh, Fall is officially among us and we’re all up to our ears in pumpkin spice everything. I don’t know if it’s the back to school mentality or the cooler weather, but there’s something about Fall that really motivates me to check in with myself and start new routines. Going back to school is an exciting time, especially for your children who may have a disability. SEND playgrounds can play a crucial role in boosting their confidence and ensuring they have an inclusive and enjoyable learning environment.

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3 Vitamins You Didn’t Know You Needed to be Taking

3 Vitamins You Didn't Know You Needed To Be Taking | Swisse Vitamins and Wellness Supplements for Sleep, Liver function, Hair, Skin and Nails |
This post is sponsored by Swisse Vitamins & Supplements. All photos and opinions are my own.

The year is 2018 (almost 2019 but I refuse to believe it). We all know we shouldn’t drink excessively but we usually do anyway, we spend almost every waking moment staring at our phones and computer screens, our hair is all fried from curling wands, and there are more vitamins on the shelves than Fast and Furious franchise movies. It is all a bit overwhelming.  Read more